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Self Adhesive Fiberglass Mesh Tape

Yongxin Street, Development Zone, Dezhou, China – Dezhou – China, Bahía Bohai0086-534-308965Facebook
Industria > Construcción. Materiales, Instalaciones..patentes, APPS...
Industria > TEXTIL, tejidos, máquinas de coser, laser, 3D, 4.0. APPS...
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Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Guam (Guam)Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Adelaide (Australia)
Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Nukualofa (Tonga)Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Honiara (Islas Salomón)
Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Apia (Samoa)Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Port Vila (Vanuatu)
Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Suva (Fiyi)Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Numea (Nueva Caledonia)
Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Tarawa Sur (Kiribati)Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Papeete (Polinesia Francesa)
Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Puerto Moresby (Papúa Nueva Guinea)Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Micronesia (Micronesia)
Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Barrie (Canadá)Dezhou (China, Bahía Bohai) - Auckland (Nueva Zelanda)

Fiberglass self-adhesive joint tape can be widely used in wall constructions to join plaster plates, mend drywall racks. As dry wall tapes, the fabric enable the base plaster join faster, adhesive better without pasting or stapling. This is a small roll fabric cloth with width of 50mm or 100mm suitable for wall repairing. The Coated Fiberglass Mesh with custom width for reinforcing exposed areas of external and internal plasters, mainly wall joints, windows and door corners and the channels for water or gas pipes and electrical wiring. It is strong recommended that a strip of glass fiber mesh is applied over the joint when two materials with different coefficients of expansion meet one other; In this case there is a risk that the plaster coat will crack, mesh fabric can absorb the tension and avoid the plaster coat is cracked.

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AoYong Glass Fibre Fabrics Co., Ltd.

Actividad: AoYong Glass Fibre Fabrics Co., Ltd.

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Self Adhesive Fiberglass Mesh Tape
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